Humans are not destroying the planet. Systems are.

Zero Day was Founded by two engineers on a mission to solve a wicked problem: the waste crisis.

a Brief history

Stage #1

Historical analysis

We started by traveling back in time to ancient Rome, where the first waste management systems were born. 

The Romans, in 200 AD, designed the first official sanitation organization. 

A waste pit discovered in Pompeii looks, in both design and functionality, exactly like a modern-day waste bin.
Stage #2

Identified issue #1

We realized that the current waste management system desperately needs modernization, starting with the humble waste bin.

Stage #3

Spoke with the key stakeholders

Many wicked problems are systematic. Systems consist of many stakeholders.

We identified stakeholders within the waste management system, from consumers to regulatory bodies at municipal, state, and federal levels.

Stage #4

Identified issue #2: blame game

Through in-depth conversations with stakeholders, we realized that there is no singular culprit. Every stakeholder identified a different stakeholder as the problem.

Stage #5

Root cause analysis

We took the information gathered from our research and performed root cause analysis. 

We realized that modernizing the system at the source level would give us the best chance of solving it. 

Stage #6

source level = waste generators

Where does waste start? It starts with us: our home, office, or business. 

So, we focused the solution development around us and our lifestyle. Our goal was to create a solution that would help us solve the waste crisis without disrupting our everyday lives.

Stage #7

starting point: organic waste

The waste crisis is broad, and tackling it all at once is impossible.

We decided to start with organic waste, which is the largest component of the municipal waste stream.

Stage #8

Prototyping and demo

We spent a year in the lab, conceptualizing and building a solution that can SEAMLESSLY fit into anybody's life and bring their organic WASTE generation to zero.

We demoed our prototype at 2023 Climate Week, sponsored by Newlab and Nycedc, to a fantastic reception, validating the severe need to solve the waste problem.

Stage #8

meet forest

Meet Forest, your efficient and beautiful companion, driving us to a future where organic waste is valuable and landfills are obsolete.

What's next?

We are launching in NYC on climate week 2025 to accelerate the goal of achieving the carbon-negative and zero-waste NYC goal by 2030.

Thankfully, every city is built upon an identical waste management structure, so we are coming to your city next.

join the launch party

our core beliefs

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schedule a BRIEF INTRODUCTORY call to learn more.
start your transition to a zero-waste future today.