Even though we created the block as an alternative for the garbage bag it's not really a direct comparison. blocks are stackable and leak proof. Most importantly, they turn organic waste in to valuable material feedstocks, whether it's fed to a digester or a composter.

product deep dive

Even though we created the block as an alternative for the garbage bag it's not really a direct comparison. blocks are stackable and leak proof. Most importantly, they turn organic waste in to valuable material feedstocks, whether it's fed to a digester or a composter.

compact design

All our woods are sustainably deforested and
compensated through replanting projects.

01. convenient size and scale

Walnut’s deep brown and dark coloring makes it a premier choice. It’s a fine-grained wood that can be stained easily and looks great when polished. Though it’s one of the more expensive hardwoods, its beautiful appearance makes it worth.

02. touchless operations

Pine is generally an indoor wood unless it’s been treated for outdoor use. Pine can be stained, painted or finished. There are many different types of wood for furniture, and pine is an excellent choice.

03. easy to clean

Redwood is fairly soft and has a reddish tint. It comes from redwood trees, which have a straight grain. The wood is easy to cut and form to the shape and length you require.

04. odor containment

Mahogany has a tint ranging from reddish-brown to deep-red. It’s fairly soft compared to other softwoods. The wood has a straight grain and a medium texture.

05. aesthetical design

Birch is one of the harder types of hardwood, with yellow and white varieties. White birch has a lighter color and looks similar to maple. Yellow birch has a pale yellow appearance, with a reddish-brown tint in the heartwood.

explore related solutions

FOrest is compact enough for any floor plan
forest is powerful and scalable to handle nearly any size load efficiently
Zero day services are tailored enough to accommodate
any building Configuration

product specs

~8 in
~12 in
~12 in
~20 lbs
~12 gal
6-8 months
Item model number
PRoduct Catalog
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tech specs
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Our subscriptions come with all the block wrappers, filters and collections you will need and nothing that you don't
our simple pricing allows lets you lock in your savings

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start your transition to a zero waste future today.